
Sails of iconic Paris cabaret club Moulin Rouge fell off overnight

By Thomson Reuters Apr 25, 2024 | 1:27 AM

PARIS (Reuters) – The sails of the landmark red windmill atop the Moulin Rouge, Paris’ most famous cabaret club, fell to the ground overnight in the early hours of Thursday, a venue spokesperson said.

“We don’t know what happened, it occurred between 02:00 and 03:00 am, no one was hurt,” the spokesperson said, adding the night’s last show had finished at 01:15 am.

Moulin Rouge is best known by many as the birthplace of the modern form of the can-can dance. The club was founded in 1889 and the audience for its dance shows is largely made up of tourist groups.

(Reporting by Louise Dalmasso; Writing by Benoit Van Overstraeten; Editing by Richard Lough)