
Moldova delivers protest to Russia over voting stations in Transdniestria

By Thomson Reuters Mar 12, 2024 | 8:59 AM

CHISINAU (Reuters) – Moldova said it delivered an official protest to the Russian ambassador to Chisinau over the decision to open polling stations for Russia’s presidential election in the breakaway Moldovan region of Transdniestria.

The Russian ambassador Oleg Vasnetsov was summoned on Tuesday, the Foreign Ministry said on social media.

The ministry previously agreed on one polling station in Moldova’s capital of Chisinau for elections slated to be held from Friday to Sunday, but Moscow instead was set to open six in breakaway Transdniestria.

“This action violates international law, undermining Moldova’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” the ministry added.

Vasnetsov told journalists that the ministry’s protest was “unfounded”, adding that multiple polling stations were meant to ensure Russian citizens could participate in the elections.

In February, the Transdniestria region asked Russia to help its economy withstand Moldovan “pressure”.

(Reporting by Alexander Tanas; writing by Anastasia Malenko andYuliia Dysa; editing by Jonathan Oatis)